The Dangers of Online Gaming

Hello, this is my first post and if you stay and read my posts that i’ll be putting up you’ll realise that i’m quite young. I’m 14 and i’ve always thought things like blogs, vlogs and podcasts are some of the coolest things ever. But anyway, the topic of my first post is going to be the dangers of online gaming. I’m not going to go over the same old boring things like catfishing (pretending to be someone you’re not) and paedophiles luring children. So the first thing that i’ve experienced is that you can make friends from all around the world while gaming online but be careful that you don’t get too attached. I made a group of friends and most of them were from the USA. We had a small group chat on a thing called Kik (which is a great app by the way) and we were all great friends with the occasional fall outs like most friend groups have. But recently this year we all kind of grew apart just with growing up and having social lives and if i’m being honest it was actually quite depressing… We were such a good group of friends. 😔
Okay so another thing you have to watch out for is gaming addictions! I used to play this game called (its a club penguin simulator type thing) and even though it was so childish i made some great friends on it but it soon became my life; i would tell my friends that i couldn’t be bothered coming out of my house. I got kinda chubby for a while until i realised it was going too far and now i do boxing and lift weights so that’s good. Sorry this was so long but I wanted to make a good first impression for anyone who came across this so yeah i’ll post next time i feel like it. Bye and thanks for reading if you did 🙂